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The Use of taboo words by manadonese living in Surabaya

The present study was conducted to find out the kinds of Manadonese
taboo words that were used by the different subjects; young and old Manadonese
in their conversations. The study was also aimed to investigate the differences
found in the use of taboo words by the subjects. The writer used the theories about
taboo words proposed by Wardhaugh (1986) and by Hymes (1972). This research
was a descriptive qualitative research and the data were taken from Manadonese
living in Surabaya while they were having conversations. In collecting the data,
firstly, the writer used interviewing method to find the qualified respondents. The
writer were not involved nor interfered the conversation. Through the analysis,
she found out that Manadonese used seven categories of taboo words, namely
animal term, sex, religious matter, death, bodily function, mother in law and
excretion. The category mostly used by Manadonese was animal term. The
Manadonese also found out that there were several differences for using taboo
words by the subjects in their interaction. The young generation used taboo words
to show intimacy with friends; on the other hand, the old generation used those
words as a means of communication to insult other person, to show their dislike
and to express their anger towards other. Finally, she concludes that Manadonese
either young or old generation often use taboo words because the use of taboo
words is actually a matter of tradition or culture. It is said as culture or tradition
because it happens from generation to generation.

  • Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma → Advisor 1
  • Josefa Juniarti Mardijono → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2009
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011847/ING/2009; Linda Rori (11403124)

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