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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelIn this study, the writer investigated the speech styles used by Gusti, a
character in the sitcom Office Boy. The writer investigated the types of speech styles
used by Gusti when he talked to his interlocutors named Taka, Hendra, and Sayuti.
The theory of speech styles proposed by Nababan (1991), the theory of social status
proposed by Holmes (2001) and Brown and Attardo (2001), and the theory of lexical
and grammatical characteristics for standard Indonesian proposed by Chaer (2006)
were used as the main theories of this research. In this study, the writer used
descriptive quantitative approach. The result of the analysis showed that Gusti used
four speech styles, i.e. (1) gaya or ragam resmi (formal style) (39.13%), (2) gaya or
ragam usaha (consultative style) (30.43%), (3) gaya or ragam santai (casual style)
(26.09%), and (4) gaya or ragam akrab (intimate style) (4.35%) when he talked to
Taka. He used three speech styles, i.e. (1) gaya or ragam usaha (consultative style)
(43.48%), (2) gaya or ragam santai (casual style) (34.78%), and (3) gaya or ragam
akrab (intimate style) (21.74%) when he talked to Hendra. Gusti used two speech
styles, i.e. (1) gaya or ragam santai (casual style) (78.57%) and (2) gaya or ragam
akrab (intimate style) (21.43%) when he talked to Sayuti.