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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe Writer of this thesis is trying to explain as clearly
as possible the idea of fighting against tyranny as seen in
Shelley's masterpiece Prometheus Unbound.The Writer of the
thesis wants to present the topic on the fight against tyranny
because it is a way among others to cast aside tyranny. The
interesting thing is that the way of fighting against tyranny
in the lyrical drama does not require a bloodshed in its movement.
To discuss this topic, the writer of the thesis, in his
analysis, will divide into two parts, the tyranny of Jupiter,
the fight of Prometheus against Jupiter. Such discussion is
presented to explain the idea of fighting against tyranny in
this play.
Prometheus Unbound is taken from its origin in the Greek
mythology, Prometheus Bound. It should be known that Shelley
writes Prometheus Unbound because he clearly refuses the reconciliation
reached by the oppressor, Zeus, and the oppressed,
Prometheus in Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. Prometheus Unbound
does not give any suggestion of compromise because the whole
story is about the confrontation between Jupiter and Prome-theus.
On the discussion of Jupiter's tyranny, the writer of
the thesis will analyse the origin of Jupiter's tyranny; it
includes the cause and the effects of Jupiter's tyranny. On the
discussion of the fight against tyranny, the writer of the
thesis will analyse how Prometheus's fight against Jupiter.