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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis study is done in order to find the types and the characteristics of each type of
speech of Mr. Harmoko during the 32 nd anniversary of Golongan Karya. Such aim is
what are the types of speech and the characteristics of each type of speech of Mr.
Harmoko. The types of speech used in answering this question taken from Whitman
and Boase, and Oliver, Dickey, and Zelko in theory of speech types. The writer uses
this theory since it's more elaborate and comprehensible. Other references are also
used in order to support the analysis. The writer applied the descriptive approach.
The writer herself is the instrument of the research. She collects the data from
recording the speech of Mr. Harmoko during the 32 nd anniversary of Golongan Karya
on December in Malang, based on the data analysis, the writer found that there are
three types of speech, that are informative speech, persuasive speech and
entertainment speech. Moreover, in persuasive speech it can be divided into three
types such as: speech to convince speech to stimulate speech to instruct. The finding
prove that persuasive most frequently appears in the speech of Mr. Harmoko.