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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis concerns with problems in life and the neurotic needs that
Veronika has, some of which she is unable to fulfill, and the ways Veronika copes
with her failures to fulfill some of them as seen in Paulo Coelho?s Veronika
Decides to Die. Since neurotic needs belong to psychology, I will use
psychological approach to analyze. In this case, I use the theory of neurotic needs
written by Karen Horney in her book Self Analysis. In discussing Veronika?s
problems and neurotic needs, I divide the analysis into two parts. The first part of
the analysis discusses about Veronika?s problems and the unfulfilled neurotic
needs. In this part, I also discuss that Veronika?s problems in life, that is, her
inability to love and be loved, to be a professional pianist and to be herself are the
causes of her several fulfilled neurotic needs. Meanwhile, the second part of the
analysis discusses the ways Veronika uses her coping strategies to fulfill the
unfulfilled needs, or the ways she uses in order to cope with her neurosis. In the
conclusion, I find out that Veronika finally succeeds in coping with her problems
and unfulfilled needs. As the result, Veronika could continue her life as what she