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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis project is a discourse analysis on HenrikIbsen's Hedda Gabler,
in which the main focus of this Istudy is utterances of Hedda toward
Brack as characters in the play. Those utterances are analysed to find out
the reasons of Brack's disbelief on Hedda's downfall,
that is her suicide at the end of the play. Throughout
the play it can be known that Brack, as Hedda's secret
lover, is the only character who has much involved in
communication with her and knows almost everything
concerning with Hedda. Therefore, it raises a big ques-tion
when she commits suicide, Brack is unable to believeit.
In doing the research, the writer applies the
Speech Act theory by examining the locutions, illocu-tions,
and perlocutions on Hedda's utterances toward Brack.
The locutions and illocutions are searched for to
see the difference between what she says and means,
whereas the search for the perlocutions is to know
whether Brack is able to capture what Hedda means (the
illocution) or not through his answers.
Finally, from the done analysis, the writer con-cludes
that Brack's indifference on some illocutions of
Hedda's utterances make him unable to believe her sui-cide
after he sees himself her corpse stretching out on the sofa.