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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis analyzes the freedom of Thomas Fowler, the main
character in Graham Greene's The Quiet American. The writer
wants to show that Fowler undergoes a change in character as a
result of the new experiences he has. These new experiences are
brought about by the choices which he has freely made. The
analysis shows that at the beginning of the novel, Fowler is
described as a person who is uninvolved, selfish, indecisive and
does not care about other people. He goes through many experi-ences
as a result of his choices which he has freely made. The
choices that he makes are connected with his relationships to
people like his wife in London, Helen; his mistress in Vietnam,
Phuong; and his friend in Vietnam, Alden Pyle. He also makes
choices in relation to his work as a journalist. At the end of
the novel, as a result of his experiences, Fowler becomes involved,
unselfish, decisive and he now cares about other people.