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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelIn this thesis, the writer tries to analyze the love
of the two main male characters, Arthur Burdon and Oliver
Haddo towards the main female character, Margaret Dauncey
in Maugham's The Magician. She would like to prove which
love of the two characters is truthful towards Margaret.
The writer chooses "love" because love is universal and
every human being experiences it. The writer uses
J.iterary approach, characterization and conflict, and she
also uses psychological theory and theory of love for
support. By doing library research and close reading the
novel, the writer is able to analyze the novel. In the
analysis, the writer wants to show the rivalry of Arthur
and Haddo through external conflict. Their conflict is
emerged from their personality differences which are
shown through characterization. The writer finds that
character traits influence the love of the characters.
From here, the love of the characters is proved. The
writer in the end discovers that Arthur's love towards
Margaret is true, whether Haddo's love towards her is a