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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelBoiler Turbine Generator (BTG) is one of the unit in P.T. Sasa Inti that
produces steams, where steams are used in the processing of Monosodium
Glutamate (MSG), as well as to generate the electricity with maximal power of
Steams produced by the boiler was prioritized for the processing of MSG,
thus electricity produced by the generator was inconstant depending upon the
amount of steams needed to produce the MSG.
BTG in its functioning is supported by several system, which some of the
system are protective system and control system. Protective system are needed to
avoid generator from any damage caused by disturbances that might be happen,
and control system are needed to control BTG in the process. The example of
control system are steam pressure control system, and temperature steam control
In order to produce steams, several inputs are needed for the conversion of
electrical energy within the BTG, which covers water, fuel, and air for burning
process. The inputs for BTG every 1 KWh which generated by the generator are :
* Oil Fuel : 0.923 kg/KWh
* Air for burning process :10.9m 3 /KWh
* Water : 10.96 kg/KWh