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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelIn this thesis, the writer analyses the application
of the Pragmatic Principle through Discourse Analysis.
The Pragmatic Principle is a principle where politeness
becomes important to explain why speakers violate maxims
of 1he Cooperative Principles. The study analyses the
interaction between the Cooperative and Politeness
Principles made by some American politicians in Engpish
language published interviews. She examines whether the
Politeness Principle works or does not work , in other
words can give explanations of violations of the Cooperative
Principles. The writer focuses on the viblation
of Cooperative Principles. So, she does not analyse any
dialogues where a11 maxims of the Cooperative Principles
are obeyed.
The writer uses qualitative approach to analyse the
utterances of some American politicians , and the single
issue in the discourse is the recent US activity in
Having analysed the utterances , the writer finds
that the Politeness Principles cannot work in zero and
refusal answer, that is what the writers suggests for
further research.