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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelConrad's ear1iest'works were thematically rich
but awkward in their plots. In his great period 1897 to
1911, Conrad wrote The Nigger of the Narcissus. Under The
W.estern Eyes. Heart of Darkness and Nostromo. These novels
show his purity and excellence in thought, expression,
concept and technique. Conrad's great works had strongly
influenced on some writers. The paradox of evil which is
vividly dramatised in Heart of Darkness was developed by
T.S. Elliot and Graham Greene.
Victory tells about a character who alienates
from society. One of his reasons that he alienates is that
he distrusts other people. He suspects that other people
will betray him. This Conradian theme, loyalty may entail
treachery, is evident in most of Conrad's great works.