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The acceptences and violantions of converstional maxims on SCTV program "Ngobras"

This thesis is a study which uses discourse analysis theory to analyze the conversations in SCTV program `NGOBRAS?. This study is trying to look for the conversational maxims used by people which exist in those conversations. The importance of this study is to make people understand that everybody can accept or violate one or more conversational maxims, particularly in the casual setting in the use of Bahasa Indonesia. In analyzing this conversational maxims, the writer uses the theory of The Cooperative Principle and The Conversational Maxims by Paul Grice (1975) that are used to decide whether the utterances accept those maxims or violate them.
The writer used the qualitative approach since the data are in the form of words. The method of this study is to describe the context in terms of aims, such as, setting, participants, function, and topics; identify the types of maxims; and utterances which accepted or violated one of the conversational maxims.
The overall findings show that the most frequent conversational maxims which occur is the maxim of quantity, and is followed by the maxim of relevance. Here, the numbers of the acceptance and violation of the maxim of quantity are balanced (ratio of 17 to 19), whereas most of the participants accept maxim of relevance (ratio of 16 to 2). It seems that the conversation is on information which evenly accepted and violated, and the information seems to be relevant, which is mostly accepted. And this makes the talk show alive and interesting.

  • (11497074) LILY YULIANA ASTAN
  • LISA NUGROHO → Examination Committee 1
  • Bintoro → Advisor 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2001
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No.977; Lily Yuliana Astan (11497074)

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