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Swear words used by teen and adult gamers in playstation rental places

The use of swear words that were banned previously are often used now in
social life. It is apparent in the Playstation rental places that swear words are used
frequently by the gamers while interacting with their playmates. Ironically, there
are many kids in this place who should be given examples of well behaviour and
way of speaking in accordance with the norms of civility in society by older
people instead of examples of using swear words. It makes the writer curious to
investigate the swear words used by teen and adult gamers in Playstation rental
places. Therefore, the writer wants to find out the types of swear words used by
the gamers. He also tries to identify the similarities and differences of swear
words produced by the subjects. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative approach
in this study. To analyze the data, the writer combines the theory of swear words
by Wardhaugh and Hughes. The combination forms ten types of swear words
namely genital term, anatomical term, excretory term, imbecilic term, animal
term, general term, mother in law term, death term, sex term, and religious term.
He also tries to identify the similarities and differences of swear words produced
by the subjects. The writer uses a descriptive qualitative approach in this study.
From the ten available types of swear words, the most frequent types of swear
words used by teen gamers is animal term, while the most frequent types of swear
words used by adult gamers is sex term.The final result of this study is that the
teen gamers use swear words more often and more various than the adult gamers.

  • Esther Kuntjara → Advisor 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2012
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02012013/ING/2012; Christian Andry (11407054)

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