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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis is a study o f the cohesion in an article in Connexions magazine,
entitled JTie Sleek And Smart Super-Minister. Connexions as the inflight magazine
of Sempati Air is produced in bilingual, in English and in Indonesian languages.
The writer wants to compare the cohesion o f each language in the article.
For the cohesion in English, the writer uses Halliday and Hasan's theory
(1976), whereas for the cohesion in Indonesian, the writer finds guidelines to Prof
Dr. A. A. Fokker (1960). Both theories appear to propose the same idea, that is
reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Besides that, the
writer also includes some realities on the issue of translation equivalence since this
study deals with two languages in translations.
In analyzing the data, the writer devides the analysis into 6 parts; the
occurrence o f reference markers, the occurrence of substitution markers, the
occurrence of ellipsis markers, the occurrence o f conjunction markers, and the
occurrence o f lexical cohesion markers, at the final part the writer puts the result.
In the result the writer finds that the quantity o f cohesion in Indonesian is 21% less
than in the English version. Thus, it can be concluded that the cohesion in the
English version is different from the cohesion in the Indonesian. The differences
appeared are caused by the distinguished language structures o f each language.
Based on the assumption that the language in the English version is authentic, the
writer finds some incorrect uses o f cohesive devices and some lack o f naturalness
in the Indonesian version. -The errors in transfer from English to Indonesian
language have been caused mainly by the translator's tendency to give priority to
formal correspondence rather than to transfer o f meaning.