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An Illocutionary acts study as performed on the locutionary acts in gilmore girls tv series

Speech acts deal with words and doing things. There may be some action
behind the words that someone utters in their conversation. In this research, An
Illocutionary acts study as performed on the locutionary acts in Gilmore Girls
TV Series, the writer makes an analysis on the utterance meaning of the characters
from their grammatical form. The writer is curious to know about the illocutionary
acts of the conversation on Gilmore Girls TV Series and also the dominant
illocutionary acts that can be found on the locutionary acts of the data. The scope of
this study is the utterances of all the characters on Gilmore Girls TV series episode
five ?Cinnamon Wake? and the limitation of this study is on pragmatics. She uses
some theories on speech acts as put forward by Langacker and Traugott & Pratt. The
writer also uses internet World Wide Web in searching the transcript of Gilmore Girls
as her data. The writer uses some steps to make the analysis of this research. First,
she divided the data on a scene based on the transcription to make the analysis of the
data easier. Second, she analyzed the data based on the locutionary acts to find out the
illocutionary acts from the locutionary acts that maybe found. And finally, she put the
result on the table so it can easily be interpreted. From the research, the writer found
out that most of the characters used imperative sentences in their conversation and the
most frequently used illocutionary acts from the imperative sentences are directives
illocutionary acts. The second most dominant are declarative sentences with the
commisives illocutionary acts performed. The last dominant are interrogatives
sentences that performed directives illocutionary acts. Moreover, the writer found that
the most important things in finding the correct speech acts (locutionary acts and
illocutionary acts) understand what the topic is, who the participant is and the last is
where the conversation takes place.

  • (11499058) MARIANA RAHARDJO
  • SAMUEL GUNAWAN → Advisor 1
  • Josefa Juniarti Mardijono → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2003
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 1152/ING/2003; Mariana Rahardjo (11499058)

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