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The Stylistic devices in the disagreements used y the superiors and the subordinates of several bank employees in Surabaya

This study aims to determine the stylistic devices in expressing disagreements
used by the superiors and the subordinates of several bank employees in Surabaya
with different ethnic and gender backgrounds. In conducting the research, the writer
used written role-plays, which consisted of two situations involving people who had a
higher status (superiors) to the lower one (subordinates) and those who had a lower
status (subordinates) to the higher one (superiors). The questionnaires were given to
32 respondents consisting of 16 Javanese and 16 Chinese Indonesians and each of the
ethnic groups required eight males and eight females. This is a qualitative and
quantitative study, in which the writer herself becomes the instrument in collecting
the da ta and she presents the findings in the form of tables. In analysing it, the writer
applied Garcia?s theory (1989) on Stylistic Devices in expressing disagreements.
From the analysis, the writer found out that all respondents of Javanese and Chinese
Indonesian regardless of their gender and status use more non-confrontational devices
like `suggestion? and `giving reason?. In the Javanese and Chinese Indonesian
respondents, the writer found out that the Javanese subordinates use more
confrontational devices like `direct challenge? than the Chinese Indonesian
subordinates. It is frequently used when Javanese subordinates disagree with the
Javanese superiors. Finally, the writer found out that in the male and female
respondents, the male subordinates use more confrontational devices like `direct
challenge? than the female subordinates. It is frequently used when the male
subordinates disagree with the male superiors. From the findings above, the writer
concluded that in disagreement situation involving subordinates to their superiors,
whether they are Javanese or Chinese Indonesian; and male or female, they use more
confrontational devices. On the other hand, in disagreement situation involving
superiors to their subordinates, there are no differences among the respondents of
Javanese or Chinese Indonesian; and male or female.

  • (11498159) EVALINA RASMI
  • Jusuf Imam Ibrahim → Advisor 1
  • Aylanda Dwi Nugroho → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2004
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011263/ING/2004; Evalina Rasmi (11498159)

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