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A Study on interruptions and overlaps between two main characters in the film "bringing down the house"

In the social interaction, people always deal with communication and in
communication, people cannot avoid the interruption. Primarily, this study
focuses on interruption and overlap. The writer chooses this topic for there are
still many interruptions and overlaps occur in the conversation. The data which is
being analyzed is taken from a film titled `Bringing Down the House?. This film is
chosen for there are many interesting interruptions and overlaps occur in this film
that have been attracted the researcher to analyze them; moreover, there are many
reasons emerge in the conversation. Furthermore, the writer only observed the
main characters, Peter and Charlene since they produce more interruptions and
overlaps. From this study, the writer would like to find out the dominant types of
interruptions and the most common reasons of interruptions on the conversation
between the main characters in the film The data is analyzed employing the
theories written by Holmes (1992) and Zimmerman and West (1975) for the
meaning and description of interruption; additionally, the reasons are investigated
based on theories stated by Wardhaugh (1985), Wodak (1996), Tannen (1991),
and for the last theories about interruption, the writer obtains the sources from the
web site This
research is considered as a qualitative research. The data are acquired from the
VCD and in order to get the transcript, the writer types all the dialogues that
emerge in the film in the form of transcript after first watching it for several times.
Moreover, the writer utilizes tables to categorize interruptions and overlaps and
the reasons to interrupt and overlap. Compares to interruptions, overlaps emerge
much more than interruptions. It shows that the main characters like to partly
cover the last words of the first speaker than cut it. Overlaps commonly occur for
Charlene and Peter do not have good relationship and they always debate in
defending their statement. The common reason of interruptions that happens in the
conversations is breaking up and the most common reason of overlaps that occurs
in the film is disagreeing. Those reasons become the most common reasons since
there are many contradictions between Charlene and Peter. In this case,
interruptions and overlaps that occur in the conversations between the main
characters happen for Peter and Charlene have different purposes; they think that
their statement is right so they try to defend the statements.

  • (11400119) IVANA DEWI
  • Yuli Christiana Yoedo → Advisor 1
  • Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2004
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011322/ING/2004; Ivana Dewi (11400119)

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