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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe main character in Chuck Palahniuk?s Fight Club is unsatisfied and
experience several conditions that make him become a nihilist. The problem that
the writer wants to discuss is the process of the main character?s becoming a
nihilist. In order to analyze it, besides literary theory, the writer uses a lot of other
theories such as psychology: alienation and meaninglessness, and also philosophy:
nihilism. the main character undergoes a series of chain of process from his
feeling of alienation and meaningless, his self-destruction, as well as his idea of
total mass annihilation. The writer finds that in order to cope with the modern life
crisis such as alienation and meaninglessness, nihilism may appear as the answers.
It seems that in nihilism, the main character finds the answer of life. However, at
the end the main character?s suicide marks that nihilism in any kind of form is
contagious and threatening.