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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis study focuses on the role of female characters in Harry Potter
series. It aims to find out whether the female characters in Harry Potter series take
the mother role for Harry. Therefore, this study analyzes the motherly
characteristics that the female characters, particularly Hermione Granger, Ginny
Weasley, and Luna Lovegood, in Harry Potter series have. The writer uses the
theory on myth by Roland Barthes in analyzing the girls’ roles in the story.
Through this analysis, the writer finds out that the female characters in Harry
Potter series do possess motherly characteristics which are protective, nurturing,
and educating. There are two myths that are intertwined, the myth that girls are
supposed to be mothers and the myth that mothers are supposed to protect,
nurture, and educate their children. Through these findings, it can be concluded
that J.K. Rowling still cannot escape myths surrounding girls and women; she
sees being a mother as the most powerful for girls and women.