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Politeness strategy in complaining in letters colomn Newsweek Magazine

This study observes the politeness strategy of complaint letters which were
published in Newsweek magazine. It is analyzed based on Brown & Levinson?s
theory of politeness strategy by using descriptive qualitative and quantitative
approach. It deals with the politeness strategy which is used in complaining and
the most politeness strategy that occurs in the complaint letters. The data were
taken from 20 complaint letters which were published in ?Letters?, a column for
the readers to express their thought in Newsweek magazine. Based on the theory,
there are four main strategy of politeness namely, bald on record, off-record,
positive and negative politeness. In the letters, bald on record strategies which are
used are ?sympathetic advice or warning? strategy and ?urgent imperative?
strategy. Positive politeness strategies which are used are ?intensify interest to
H?, ?avoid disagreement?, ?include both S and H in the activity? strategy, ?give
or ask reason?, and ?assume or assert? strategy. Negative politeness strategies
which are produced in the letters are ?question or hedge?, ?be pessimistic?,
?minimize imposition?, ?impersonalize S and H?, and ?state FTA as a general
rule? strategy. The off-record strategy which is used in the letters is ?rhetorical
question? strategy. The findings show that the complainers prefer to use positive
politeness strategy in stating their complaint to Newsweek magazine. They give or
ask reason to support their complaints so it is reasonable and can be accepted by
their complainee (Newsweek). The findings also show that the complainers
seldom use off record strategy. It means that the complainers prefer to state their
complaints directly, unambiguous, and in a concise way in order to make the
complainee (Newsweek) can easily understand what they complain about so they
can achieve their expectation immediately.

  • (11402135) IBNO SANTOSO
  • "ABBAS A.BADIB, Pof.DR.MA.,MA." → Advisor 1
  • Aylanda Dwi Nugroho → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2007
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011630/ING/2007; Ibno Santoso (11402135)

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