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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelOpen Heart is a screenplay under a romantic comedy-drama subgenre, which recounts a romantic tale about a monogamous, lonely, single man who struggles to accept and exercise an open heart during novel participation polyamory that the woman he falls for is involved with. In this project, I investigated why my protagonist joins a polyamorous courtship and handles the common hurdles in consensually non-monogamous (CNM) experiences, specifically, jealousy and stigma-based shame. I answered these problems using findings from polyamory, romantic jealousy, and Gregory M. Herek’s sexual stigma concepts. The results determine that my protagonist only agrees to polyamory out of compliance. Also, to solve his plights, he needs to uphold particular management for jealousy and shame. Hopefully, by showcasing these issues around non-monogamy and polyamory, I wish my story could promote a more comprehensive understanding, along with uncovering the oppression still targeting them.