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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelBoys’ Love Webtoons, which explore the romance between males, have been popular for the past few years. This study, which explores BL Webtoons Love is an Illusion, Room to Room, and Path to You is intended to take a closer look at how the characteristics of heterosexual relationships can be found in BL Webtoons. To achieve that purpose, the theories that will be used cover the set formula of male and female illustrations and gender roles. The first factor to be analyzed is the physical appearance in which this study goes into detail of the physical build, facial features, and biology of the masculine and feminine males. Then, the second one is the actions which will be analyzed to see the feminine and masculine male characters’ different ways of acting and thinking. The result of the analysis reveals how feminine males in these three BL Webtoons are depicted the same way how females are in heterosexual relationships. The fact that gender identity and gender roles that describe heterosexuality are present, shows that these three BL Webtoons are narrated in the framework of heterosexuality. So, heteronormativity, the view that heterosexuality is the default sexuality, actually succeeds in infiltrating BL Webtoons.