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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelIn this thesis, I choose Rise of the Guardians, an animation film by DreamWorks to be analysed. Rise of the Guardians is chosen because it is the only film that arranges Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Sand Man, and Easter Bunny in one team as heroes to fight Pitch Black and has Oscar winners joined in the production team. The topics addressed in this thesis are how the guardians overcome their fear of being forgotten and transform that fear into hope. I will analyse them by using symbolism in literature theory, fear theory, and hope theory. The finding of the analysis is Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sand Man, and Jack Frost experience the fear of being forgotten. However, the guardians succeed in overcoming the fear by freezing, avoiding the source of fear, and facing the fear. After that, the analysis proves that by gaining a positive mind and finding a new goal, the guardians finally are able to turn fear of being forgotten into hope.