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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelSpeech acts play an important role in human?s interaction because when
we say something, we do not deliver only the meaning of the utterance but also
the intended meaning beyond it. We can find speech acts in daily conversation
even in a TV talk show. In this study, the writer tried to answer two questions.
First, what locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts are performed by the
male and female presenters in "Ceriwis" program. Second, what is the
locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary meaning of the speech acts in the
previous question. To answer the thesis problems, the writer uses Searle?s theory
of speech acts. Moreover, she uses Hymes theory to explain the participant, topic
and event. Then, she uses moves theory to divide the data into fragment. The
descriptive qualitative approach is used to analyze the data and the writer becomes
the instrument that collects and analyses the data from the TV program, which is
"Ceriwis". Having analyzed the data, the writer found out that the locution types
occurred in the conversations are representative, expressive, directive, commissive
and rogative. The illocutionary type is expressive, commissive and representative.
The meaning of the illocutionary act are to express feeling, complaining, doubt,
insulting, threatening, showing superiority, describing, thinking, report, and
expressing anger. While the perlocutionary act are expressive and directive. Also,
the writer found out that only two pattern of speech act often occurs in this study.
First, when the locution type is representative, the illocution type is expressive,
and the pelocution type is directive. Second, when the locution type is rogative,
the illocution type is expressive, and the perlocution type is directive. As the
writer found in this study, there is no declarative sentence because the presenters
have the equal authority and position. As a conclusion, language is used in more
complicated ways because when we say something, we do not deliver only the
meaning of the utterances but also the intended meaning. Therefore, the
conversation can still keep going on as long as the speakers can understand each