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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe most fascinating idea, which is boldly exposed in one of the most
brilliant Shakespeare?s tragedies, Macbeth, is the exceptional domination of the main
female character, Lady Macbeth, towards the main male character, Macbeth. This out
of ordinary idea triggers a question of the reasons that drive Lady Macbeth?s
domination towards Macbeth. Another fascinating issue to be questioned about is the
downfall that befalls upon Lady Macbeth after her act of domination. Triggered by
those issues, I opt for "A Study of the Domination of Lady Macbeth towards
Macbeth that Leads Her to Her Own Downfall as seen in Shakespeare?s Macbeth" as
the title for this study. In performing the study, I decide to use characterization and
conflict as the main tools. In addition, some theories of tragedy from A.C. Bradley
and Karl Jaspers will be used as the supporting theories. Characterization and
conflict will be applied to provide evidences that will reveal not only the reasons of
Lady Macbeth?s domination towards Macbeth, but also the downfall of Lady
Macbeth as the result of her domination. Furthermore, to point out that the downfall
of Lady Macbeth is resulted from her act of domination, I will use the theories of
tragedy. In the analysis, by applying the chosen theories, I find that the reasons of
Lady Macbeth?s domination towards Macbeth are her ambition and her egotism.
Furthermore, I also find in the analysis that the downfall of Lady Macbeth is resulted
from her domination towards Macbeth. Thus, in the end of this study, I can humbly
conclude that Lady Macbeth?s domination towards Macbeth leads her to her own