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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis is concerned with equality and independence as the feminist
elements reflected through the character of Emma Woodhouse as seen in Jane
Austen?s Emma. I am interested in equality and independence because I want to
promote these elements of feminism toward women in particular. I want to know how
equality and independence are reflected through the character of Emma Woodhouse.
This thesis is intended to find out the ways equality and independence are reflected
through Emma Woodhouse. To do this, I use cultural approach with the theories of
feminism, and the historical background of the nineteenth century women. With the
help of these tools, I find out that equality and independence as the feminist elements
are reflected through Emma?s matchmaking, and through her relationship with Mr.
Knightley. In the end, I conclude that actually Emma reflects the feminist elements of
equality and independence, and that these elements have helped her to be a significant