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Opening discourse used by the host and the guests of "Lepas Malam" television talk show

The writer assumed that to open a talk show will be more difficult than to
open an actual talk in natural situation, for a talk show is actually an interview that
is being packed as if it were an actual talk. That is why, the writer wanted to
reveal the types of opening discourse used by the host and the guests of "Lepas
Malam" television talk show. The data were taken from fourteen episodes of
"Lepas Malam" talk show within four months. The data were in the form of first
utterances produced by a host (Farhan) and the 33 guests of the show. As an
attempt to identify the types of opening discourse used by the host and the guests
in a television talk show. This study used several theories. First was the opening
theory from several researchers. Then, initiating acts and responding act by
Stenstrom (1994). Last was the adjacency pair by Sacks (Couldhard, 1985). These
theories were combined to categorize the type of opening discourse. The initiating
acts by Stenstrom and some of Sack?s first pair of adjacency pair were combined
as the host types of opening discourse. While, the responding acts by Stenstrom
and some of the second pair part of adjacency pair by Sack were combined as the
types of opening discourse by the guests. In conducting this study, the writer used
a descriptive quantitative. The finding indicated that address another person and
greeting were the most common type of opening discourse used by the host. The
host used address another person in several ways, which were, address using
family or siblings term, address using family or sibling term and name, address
using the guest?s name, address using the guest?s full name, and address using the
guest?s professions or job positions. Then, the most common greeting was the
"how are you?" question. Meanwhile, the common types of opening discourse
used by the guests was the acknowledge reply. The writer believed most of the
host opening discourses used by means of showing hospitality, maintaining social
relationship so that the conversation later on could run smoothly. Meanwhile, the
guests opening functioned to express that they noticed to the host?s hospitality.

  • (11401094) NJO YULLY
  • Samuel Gunawan → Advisor 1
  • Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2005
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011431/ING/2005; Njo Yully (11401094)

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