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The Clitics as speech markers among Petra Christian University students of Banjarese-speaking background

This thesis concerns with Banjarese clitics. Conducting this study, the writer is
curious to know the particular Banjarese clitics that the Banjarese students use among
Banjarese friends (inner- group communication) and non- Banjarese friends (outergroup
communication). Here, the writer investigates the influence of role relationship
of participants of the conversation on Petra Christian University students of
Banjarese-speaking background and also the frequency of occurrence in using the
particular Banjarese clitics. Thus, this study is supported by sociolinguistics theories
of Fishman?s theory of social situation and speech marker theory by Scherer. Since
this study is focused on the Banjarese clitics, the writer uses the theory of clitics in
Bahasa Indonesia in order to provide some insight to find out what clitics may be
found in the conversation of students of Banjarese-speaking background and to be her
stepping point of departure to guide her research in exploring the existence of
Banjarese clitics in both inner- and outer- group communication. Furthermore, the
study uses descriptive approach as it is designed to obtain conclusion dealing with the
use of Banjarese clitics in relation with the role relationship. Finally, the writer finds
that the PCU Banjarese students tend to use clitics [-kah], [-lah], [-nah], [-jar], [-
pang], [-ja], [-kam], [-kan], [-loh] and [-bah] in their inner-group communication.
Meanwhile, they tend to use clitic [-kah], [-nah], [-loh], [-lah], [-ni] and [-ai] in
their outer-group communication. Even more interesting, the writer finds out that
clitic [-ai] and [-ni] are used in outer-group communication but those are not used in
inner-group communication. Last of all, the writer concludes that the use of Banjarese
clitics is influenced by the role relationship of the participants of the conversation.

  • (11400085) BETTY MANGUNSONG
  • Samuel Gunawan → Advisor 1
  • Aylanda Dwi Nugroho → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2005
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011349/ING/2005; Betty Mangunsong (11400085)

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