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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe writer analyzed the function of gratitude expressions and gratitude
responses that occurred in the film "Raising Helen" as well as each function of
gratitude expressions and gratitude responses that might occur the most-frequently.
The writer was interested in analyzing the expressions of gratitude and gratitude
responses because it is interesting that the gratitude expressions have various
functions not only to show appreciation and politeness but also it can express irony,
sarcasm and brusqueness. The writer also analyzed the gratitude responses because
the writer would like to know the functions of gratitude responses. The writer
analyzed the gratitude expressions and gratitude responses based on gender because
female and male have different ways of thinking. The writer would like to know
whether there are similarities and differences between male and female in expressing
their gratitude and responding it. The writer chooses the film "Raising Helen"
because this film contains various functions of gratitude expression that happen in the
daily conversation. Furthermore, the setting of the film is about the conversation
among family, friends, and relatives so that it is easy to understand the story. The
writer took some theories from three linguists: Aijmer (1996), Searle (1969) and
Coulmas (1981). This research was a qualitative descriptive research. The writer got
the data from the utterances from 15 chapters of the film "Raising Helen" that she got
from the internet. From her analysis, she found there were the same functions of
gratitude expressions in this film as stated in Aijmer?s theory, except the negative
request. The writer found that there were combinations of two functions of gratitude
expressions in one utterance. Moreover, the writer found that there were two other
functions of gratitude expression from Aijmer?s theory that appeared in the data that
are, making a request and accepting an explanation. The writer found the function of
gratitude response that was used the most frequently was recognizing the gratitude
and relieving the speaker of its burden" by female and male characters. The writer
found that the response of gratitude expression would occur if there was a favour
happened in the conversation between the speaker and the hearer. Finally, the writer
concluded that the speaker both female and male expressed gratitude because of
various functions depending on the situation and the kind of the favour as well as the
response itself.