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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis deals with the figures of speech in songs, especially christian
songs. The writer is interested in analyzing the figures of speech because many
christian songs made by using figures of speech in order to convey the messages
for God. In this research, the writer wants to know what figures of speech are
used in the songs of Giving My Best?s, a youth christian band. This study is
conducted using the theories of figures of speech based on Perrine (1987) and
Keraf (1984).The writer uses a qualitative approach because her data were in the
form of words. Finally, the writer found that Metaphor is the most frequent figure
of speech that the song writer uses in order to emphasize the meaning that he
actually means. Metaphor is highly selected by the song writer to explain
something abstract (e.g. God, love, sin, etc) by using the concrete things.