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Vocabulary instruction : research to practice

Additional Author(s)
  • Kame'enui, Edward J.
  • Baumann, James F.
New York: The Guilford Press, 2nd ed
. Includes bibliographical references. Includes index (p. 345-.354)
This highly regarded work brings together prominent authorities on vocabulary teaching and learning to provide a comprehensive yet concise guide to effective instruction. The book showcases practical ways to teach specific vocabulary words and word-learning strategies and create engaging, word-rich classrooms. Instructional activities and games for diverse learners are brought to life with detailed examples. Drawing on the most rigorous research available, the editors and contributors distill what PreK-8 teachers need to know and do to support all students' ongoing vocabulary growth and enjoyment of reading.
Physical Dimension
Number of Page(s)
xiv, 354 p.
23 cm.
Other Desc.
Summary / Review / Table of Content
pt. 1. Teaching specific vocabulary. Direct and rich vocabulary instruction needs to start early / Margaret G. McKeown, Isabel L. Beck, and Cheryl Sandora ; Teaching vocabulary in the primary grades : vocabulary instruction needed / Andrew Biemiller ; Vocabulary instruction for young children at risk of reading difficulties : teaching word meanings during shared storybook readings / Michael D. Coyne, Ashley Capozzoli-Oldham, and Deborah C. Simmons ; Young word wizards! : fostering vocabulary development in preschool and primary education / Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl and Steven A. StahI --
pt. 2. Teaching vocabulary-learning strategies. Teaching prefixes : making strong instruction even stronger / Michael F. Graves, Melanie Ruda, Gregory C. Sales, and James F. Baumann ; The vocabulary-spelling connection and generative instruction : morphological knowledge at the intermediate grades and beyond / Shane Templeton ; Teaching word-learning strategies / James F. Baumann, Elizabeth Carr Edwards, Eileen Boland, and George Font --
pt. 3. Teaching vocabulary through word consciousness and language play. Developing word consciousness : lessons from highly diverse fourth-grade classrooms / Judith A. Scott, Tatiana F. Miller, and Susan Leigh Flinspach ; Keep the "fun" in fundamental : encouraging word consciousness and incidental word learning in the classroom through word play / Camille L.Z. Blachowicz and Peter Fisher ; Language play : essential for literacy / Dale D. Johnson, Bonnie Johnson, and Kathleen Schlichting --
pt. 4. Special topics of vocabulary instruction. Vocabulary assessment : making do with what we have while we create the tools we need / P. David Pearson, Elfrieda H. Hiebert, and Michael L. Kamil ; Reading and vocabulary growth / Anne E. Cunningham and Colleen Ryan O'Donnell ; Powerful vocabulary instruction for English learners / Patrick C. Manyak ; Using multimedia to support generative vocabulary learning / Jill Castek, Bridget Dalton, and Dana L. Grisham ; What differences in narrative and informational texts mean for the learning and instruction of vocabulary / Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Gina N. Cervetti.
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