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Test your business vocabulary in use : intermediate

  • Bethell, George
Additional Author(s)
  • Aspinall, Tricia
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003
. .
Physical Dimension
Number of Page(s)
102 p.
27 cm.
Other Desc.
Summary / Review / Table of Content
Part I. Jobs, People and Organisations:
1. Work and jobs;
2. Ways of working;
3. Recruitment and selection;
4. Skills and qualifications;
5. Pay and benefits;
6. People and workplaces;
7. The career ladder;
8. Problems at work;
9. Managers, executives and directors;
10. Businesspeople and business leaders;
11. Organisations 1;
12. Organisations 2;

Part II. Production:
13. Manufacturing and services;
14. The development process;
15. Innovation and invention;
16. Making things;
17. Materials and suppliers;
18. Business philosophies;

Part III. Marketing:
19. Buyers, sellers and the market;
20. Markets and competitors;
21. Marketing and the market orientation;
22. Products and brands;
23. Price;
24. Place;
25. Promotion and packaging;
26. The Internet and e-commerce;

Part IV. Money:
27. Sales and costs;
28. Profitability and unprofitability;
29. Getting paid;
30. Assets, liabilities and the balance sheet;
31. The bottom line;
32. Share capital and debt;
33. Success and failure;
34. Mergers, takeovers and sell-offs;

Part V. Finance and the Economy:
35. Personal finance;
36. Financial centres;
37. Trading;
38. Indicators 1;
39. Indicators 2;
Part VI. Doing the Right Thing:
40. Wrongdoing and corruption;
41. Ethics;

Part VII. Personal Skills:
42. Time and time management;
44. Leadership and management styles;

Part VIII. Culture:
45. Business across cultures 1;
46. Business across cultures 2;
47. Business across cultures 3;

Part IX. Telephone, Fax and Email:
48. Telephoning 1: Phones and numbers;
49. Telephoning 2: Getting through;
50. Telephoning 3: Messages;
51. Telephoning 4: Arrangements;
52. Faxes;
53. Emails;

Part X. Business Skills:
54. Meetings 1: Types of meeting; 55. Meetings 2: the Chair;
56. Meetings 4: Discussion and argument;
58. Meetings 5: Agreement and disagreement;
59. Presentations 1: preparation and introduction;
60. Presentations 2: the main part;
61. Presentations 3: closing and questions;
62. Negotiations 1: situations and negotiators;
63. Negotiations 2: preparing;
64. Negotiations 3: win-win;
65. Negotiations 4: difficulties;
66. Negotiations 5: reaching agreement.
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