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Cutting-edge fashion illustration

  • Sharp, Erica
Additional Author(s)
Newton Abbot, UK : David and Charles Book, 2014
. . Index: p. 127
Contemporary fashion and beauty illustrations combine a wide range of exciting materials and techniques, so whether you're a budding fashion designer or illustrator, or simply want to learn more illustration techniques using Adobe Photoshop, Cutting-Edge Fashion Illustration will be your ultimate go-to resource.

Each chapter covers a range of themes, from the fundamentals of Photoshop, to combining colour, texture and mixed media with your fashion illustrations. Within each chapter is a series of techniques, each of these demonstrated by a step-by-step tutorial followed by a gallery of inspirational images using that technique. If you're interested in learning ways to incorporate digital elements and style into your work, Cutting-Edge Fashion Illustration will explain the essential techniques and skills you need. It is suitable for beginners and intermediate level illustrators or designers and also a great resource for art students.

The basics are covered – from converting original line artwork to digital format, to an overview of the Photoshop Tool palette and explanations of common Photoshop terminology. However, the main focus of Cutting-Edge Fashion Illustration is on how to play with compositions and add elements like inks and watercolours, how to use digital brushes and incorporate scanned texture, photos and hand-drawn patterns into your fashion illustrations.

Erica Sharp is an expert fashion illustrator and designer heavily influenced by Japanese art and culture. Her beautiful illustrations will inspire you to expand your interest in fashion illustration, to be digitally creative and incorporate exciting techniques into your own illustration work.
Physical Dimension
Number of Page(s)
127 p.
28 cm.
Other Desc.
Summary / Review / Table of Content
Introduction Digital equipment
Photoshop overview
Photoshop workspace
Photoshop Tool palette
Chapter 1: Fundamentals Scan, clean and retouch a freehand illustration
Photograph, clean and retouch and artwork
Retouch an illustration using the clone stamp tool
Chapter 2: Color Create layers to apply colors with the brush tool
Create a path with the pen tool to add color
Color a full illustration using paths
Create and apply color gradients
Create color schemes using Adobe Kuler
Chapter 3: Textures
Apply paper elements to a drawing
Apply fabric elements to a drawing
Use digital brushes and textures to embellish a drawing
Apply scanned ink marks and drops to an illustration
Chapter 4: Mixed Media
Add illustrative elements to photographs
Add photographic elements to a fashion drawing
Combine photographs and digital color in a photomontage
Chapter 5: Patterns
Create a repeat pattern by hand
Edit a repeat pattern in Photoshop
Apply patterns to a fashion drawing
Chapter 6: A Career in Fashion Illustration
Generating ideas
Practicing your skills
Developing your own style
Online self-promotion
Creating your online portfolio
Useful Contacts (agencies, organizations and blogs, international annuals)
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