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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe writer wants to find out the code choice of Ngaju Dayaknese students
and the most dominant code used by Ngaju Dayaknese students in their in in-group
communication in Petra Christian University. The main theories that are
used in this research are the theory of Code Choice by Wardaugh, Linguistic
Repertoire by Holmes and Code Mixing by Kachru. In analyzing the data, she
used a quantitative descriptive approach. Thus, their language repertoires were
necessary, when she, as the main instrument, collected the data by observing and
even by interviewing them. As the result, the writer concluded that her
respondents, three (3) Ngaju Dayaknese students of Petra Christian University
acquired at least four (4) varieties of codes used. They are Indonesian, English,
Banjarese, and Ngaju code choice. Also, the code choice of those students are
Indonesian, Banjarese, the code mixing of Ngaju Dayaknese-Indonesian (N-I),
Banjarese-Ngaju Dayaknese (B-N), Indonesian-Banjarese (I-B), Indonesian-Ngaju
Dayaknese (I-N), Indonesian-English (I-E), Banjarese-Indonesian (B-I),
Banjarese-Indonesian-English (B-I-E), Banjarese-Indonesian-Ngaju Dayaknese
(B-I-N), Indonesian-Banjarese-English (I-B-E), and Indonesian-Banjarese-English-
Ngaju Dayaknese (I-B-E-N). Here, those students mostly used Code
Mixing of Indonesian and Banjarese in their conversation in in-group