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A Comparison of the compliment responses given between siblings and between friends in Mataram, Lombok

This thesis is a sociolinguistic study about the compliment responses given
between siblings and between friends in Mataram-Lombok. Through this study,
the researcher wants to know the differences between siblings and between
friends in giving their responses toward the compliments given. As her
respondents, the researcher took the total of 80 compliment responses given by 40
siblings and 40 friends who were still in their 15 until 18 years old. In collecting
the data, the researcher was the instrument by writing the data with a pen on a
note book. She got the data from the natural setting. The data which were
collected were analyzed based on Holmes’ theory on the twelve types of
compliment responses and the results were shown on one table in the findings and
discussion, and the other two tables in the appendix. From the tables, the
researcher got the findings that between siblings tended to deflect by giving some
informative about the object which was complimented and ignoring the
compliments. Besides tended to deflect, they tended to accept the compliments by
giving appreciation token and agreeing the utterance. While between friends, they
tended to deflect the compliments by giving informative comment and requesting
reassure. Besides tended to deflect, they tended to reject the compliments by
giving disagree utterance and challenging sincerity. As a conclusion, the
researcher finds that between siblings in Mataram tend to deflect and accept the
compliments given, while between friends in Mataram tend to deflect and reject
the compliments given.

  • Esther Kuntjara → Advisor 1
  • Jusuf Imam Ibrahim → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2010
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011918/ING/2010; Yeni Gunawan Saputra (11406036)

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