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Figures of speech used in Marie Claire and Gentlemen?s Quarterly Advertisements

Advertisements have a great deal of influence over what people do and
buy. Each advertisement has its own target readers. Thus, it must have a certain
style to differentiate one advertisement from the others.
In this study, the writer wants to analyze the types of figures of speech and
the language functions that are used in the advertisements found in male and
female magazines especially in Gentlemen?s Quarterly and Marie Claire. The
writer was also curious to know the different figures of speech and language
functions found in those magazines. She assumed that each advertisement had
different figures of speech and different language functions. The writer used
Lawrence Perrine?s Theory (1969, pp. 65-66) to explain the figures of speech and
also the theory of Language Function by Kennedy (2003, p.309). The data were
divided based on the advertisements found in Marie Claire and gentlemen?s
Quarterly magazines. After classifying the data, the writer analyzed and put those
advertisements into the tables based on their figures of speech and language
functions. Finally the writer described the figures of speech and the language
functions for each sentence. The method used in this study is descriptive
qualitative. In this research, the writer found out that the types of figures of speech
that occurred in both advertisements were hyperbole and metonymy and the
language functions that occurred in both advertisements were informatives,
directives and emotives. Moreover, applying the figures of speech is crucial to
deliver certain message in the advertisements that the advertisers would like to

  • (11402099) LINDA LESTARI
  • Josefa Juniarti Mardijono → Advisor 1
  • Nani Indrajani Tjitrakusuma → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2008
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011759/ING/2008; Linda Lestari (11402099)

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