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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelAfro American Vernacular English is a variety of English spoken by some
African Americans to varying degrees. One of the most famous Afro American
singers is "50 cent". In singing a song, people may use different speech patterns of
language according to their ethnicities and social networks. Therefore, the writer
is curious to know what kinds of AAVE linguistic features that are used by 50
cent in the lyrics of his songs and what AAVE linguistic features that are used the
most in the songs? lyrics of 50 cent. The theory of AAVE linguistic features by
Trudgill and Wardaugh are applied in this research. There are several steps in
analyzing the data. Firstly, identifying the vocabularies which are not appropriate
with Standard English, then identifying the meaning of each vocabulary. Lastly,
counting the number of each type of AAVE linguistic features that are used in the
lyrics of 50 cent?s songs. The findings signify that the AAVE linguistic feature
that is mostly used by 50 cent in his songs? lyrics is the use of [n] to replace [?].
Hopefully, through this study the students can learn more about AAVE and enrich
their vocabularies, both spoken and written in daily communication.