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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis study is done in order to find out whether netlingo, which is usually
used for communication in cyber space or internet, uses in someone?s offline
writing or not. The writer is interested in this topic after finding the fact that
netlingo is also used in someone?s offline writing. It makes the writer want to find
out the features of netlingo found in her subject?s blog and book. Not only that,
the writer also wants to find the differences and similarities in the use of netlingo
in those two medias. For this research, the writer uses Melanie Subono who is one
of many female celebrities in Indonesia as her subject. Melanie is not chosen by
accident. The writer chooses her because Melanie writes in two different medias,
blog and book. She writes actively in her blog which is called RocknRollers.
Moreover, she has also published her first book and in the process of publishing
her second book. Next, the writer uses both Melanie?s blog and book as the data
of the research. Not only using them as the data, the writer also compares the use
of netlingo in Melanie?s blog and book. These two medias are different from each
other since blog can be considered as online writing and book can be considered
as offline writing. These two medias of course can help the writer to find out what
she wants to know which is netlingo is used in someone?s offline writing or not.
Here, the writer uses the theory of features of netlingo by Crispin Thurlow, Laura
Lengel, and Alice Tomic (2004) as the main theory. This theory is used in order to
know about features of netlingo found in Melanie?s blog and book. The result
shows that there are some differences between the use of netlingo in Melanie?s
blog and book. There are seven features of netlingo found in Melanie?s blog while
there are only six features of netlingo found in Melanie?s book. The writer also
finds that the total frequency and total percentage between Melanie?s blog and
book are different to each other although the writer uses same length of data and
almost same number of total words. Moreover, the most frequently used feature
found in those medias is different to each other. The result also shows some
similarities between the use of netlingo in Melanie?s blog and book. There are six
features of netlingo which are found in both Melanie?s blog and book and there
are four features of netlingo which are not found in both Melanie?s blog and book.