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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis will deal with the main character's self actualization in
E.M.Forster's Maurice. The discussion is to understand what the main
character's problem is and how he comes to his self actualization. Maurice Hall
is really overprotected by his mother. Living under the overprotectiveness of his
mother makes him have weak characters. Maurice's weak characters make him
unable to accept himself after he knows that he is a homosexual. It is until he
must face the reality, Maurice comes to a realization that he has been born as a
homosexual and he has to accept himself just the way he is. After Maurice is
able to accept his homosexuality, he can undergo the development of his
character and at last Maurice is also able to actualize himself as a homosexual.
His self acceptance which leads him to his self actualization enables him to see
that life is very worthy and feel satisfy with his life. Maurice becomes
courageous to face his life. He can accept himself and others both as a human
being. In short, Maurice, the main character is successful in getting his self