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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThe halted inside a rectory household is dominant in D. 11. Lawrence's The Virgin
and The Gipsy, Among the pieties and loyalties of the rectory, the hatred obviously
covers every member of the family. The hatred of the main character, Yvelte, is the most
obvious in this last fictional work of D. H. Lawrence. She hates her family and her
environment because of some reasons. The hatred gives her some effects. The hatred
makes her feel lonely and pain. Yvelte overcomes these effects by being with a man
from a different ethnic background, the gipsy. Tliis thesis is an analysis to find out about
the reasons of Yvette" a lialred. Besides, the thesis writer wants io show the process how
Yvette may overcome the effects of the hatred. In the analysis, the writer uses literary
tools aud psychological theories. Yvctle's hatred is originated from fear, anger mid
injury caused by her family. She experiences conflicts with her family which leads to her
hatred. She also feels haired to the condition of her environment and the qualities of her
family. This hatred becomes stronger and stronger, and makes her feel lonely and pain.
However, Yvette may overcome the effects by being with the gipsy as the gipsy fulfils
her needs that she cannot get from her family.