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A Study of Hokkien language shift among the third generation of Hokkien Chinese family in Surabaya

This study is a field research which studies the language shift in the second
and third generation of Hokkien family in Surabaya . The writer chooses this topic
because as the third Hokkien generation she cannot speak Hokkien language but
still understand. This condition makes her curious to observe further the Hokkien
language which shift in the third generation. In order to support the analysis, the
writer uses some theories. They are language shift theory, lexical theory, parts of
speech and also form and function theoiy. In getting the data, the writer uses tape
recording. She asks the respondents to create a conversation by giving them such
functions like apologizing, thanking disagreeing, refusing and admiring. Then the
writer records all the conversations and uses those conversations as the data . The
subjects are the Hokkien Chinese family living in Surabaya and the family
consisting of three generations. Finally, in analyzing the data the writer finds that
the languages used by each generation are the first generation uses Hokkien, the
second generation can use both Hokkien and Indonesian, while die third
generation uses Indonesian. The second analysis is about the form of Hokkien
language shift. Here, the writer finds that the third generation has been shift to
Indonesian in the form of sentences.

  • (11493067) SUSANA
  • Julia Eka Rini → Examination Committee 1
  • Theophilus Jokri → Advisor 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 1999
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 719; Susana (11493067)

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