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A study of disagreement between male and female students of Petra Christian University

Disagreement is considered as an act that threatens
someone's positive face. In this case, one is supposed to
consider whom s/he talks to and in what situations.
There are some factors that influence people in
expressing disagreement such as status differences and
sex differences between the speaker and the interlocutor.
From these factors, the writer is interested in analyzing
disagreement, particularly about what kinds of linguistic
choices that are used the most in expressing
The data of this study were taken from the
questionnaires distributed to 10 female students and 10
male students of Petra Christian University. The data
were categorized based on Garcia's classification (1989)
concerning confrontational and nonconfrontational
From the analysis, the writer found out that one of
nonconfrontational devices, that is, ^Giving reasons' is
used the most by the respondents in expressing
disagreement. It is frequently used when female
addressers disagree with female addressees. They tend to
give reasons as it functions to explain why they
disagree. The second linguistic choice is ^Downtoned
suggestion.' It is frequently used when H addressers
disagree with L addressees. It is also used when female
addressers disagree with female addressees. The last is
^Refusing to cooperate' which is frequently used when L
addressers disagree to H addressees, and when male
addressers express disagreement to female addressees.

  • (11493054) EKA MARYANTY
  • SUBANDI DJAJENGWASITO → Examination Committee 1
  • Aylanda Dwi Nugroho → Advisor 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 1997
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 590; Eka Maryanty (11493054)

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