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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis is an analysis of Virginia Woolf s novel entitled Orlando. The
most significant problem that appears in this novel is about the case of Androgyny.
In the story, Orlando, the main character undergoes a sex change that is from male
to female. Interestingly, though Orlando is a man, he has never been a purely
man. Not only do his physical appearance and mannerisms look feminine, but
also his mental qualities are more likely to belong to a woman's. Even after he
has turned into a woman, her character remains androgynous as she retains some
masculine qualities. Based on this, the thesis writer then intends to describe in
what specific way Orlando's character is considered androgynous. Besides, as the
novel is greatly influenced by the Victorian age, the writer of this thesis also
attempts to discuss about the strict characteristics of the age that almost destroy
Orlando's character. To get the findings of the analysis, she will analyze
Orlando's character based on his or her physical and mental condition. In this
case, she will study what he/she does, says, thinks, or feels. In addition, she will
as well learn about the typical characteristics of the Victorian age, since this
century has a great effect upon Orlando's androgynous character and more
particularly on her bisexual life.