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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelThis thesis is a study on the translation of some nontechnical
terms into their Indonesian equivalents. The terms are foreign and
borrowed ones. This study is trying to find the appropriate equivalents
for every term. Therefore, the use of translation theory is essential. Also
a theory about a term in Fedoman Umuvi Fembentukan Istilah is important
for analysing the data. Here, the data are taken from two sources of
newspapers, Surabaya Post and Tawa Pos. There are 30 terms used in the
analysis. In this case the data are the ones which are commonly used in
newspapers. In the findings, the data are then analysed into two
categories. The first category is borrowed terms with unclear meaning
and the second is foreign terms with unclear meaning. In analysing the
data, the use of dictionaries, an English-English dictionary, an English-Indonesian
dictionary and an Indonesian-Indonesian dictionary, is
essential, because this thesis relates to lexicon, in this case finding the
right equivalent. One term should be checked in those three
dictionaries. If the term is in the form of borrowed terms, while the
meaning of that term does not exist, the term should be shifted to the
original word first. For example the term ratifikasi. It is better replaced
into pengeBahan because it is more understandable. Besides it can
function as verb, sail, mengesahkan, disahkan and as noun, kesahan. If
the term ratifikasi is used as verb, it will not be practical because it is too
long , that is meratifikasi or diratifikasi. Hence, the equivalent should be
suitable with the context of the sentence. This thesis also includes the
reason for choosing tlio Indonesian equivalent ralhei than Hie borrowed
and foreign nontechnical terms, based on Pedoman Umum Pembentukan
Istilah by Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. All in all, it can
be seen that the Indonesian equivalents are more productive than the
borrowed and the foreign nontechnical terms. Besides, they are
understandable and suitable with the criteria ol coining a term.