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Penyelenggaraan pameran dalam usaha mengangkat hari R.A. Kartini dan hari kemerdekaan RI sebagai alternatif lain atraksi wisata

Tourism has important role to increase the advantage of Indonesia. The
government of Indonesia has already started organizing air factors that can be
developed into tourism attractions, the Indonesian culture is one of them.
Traditional ceremonies and arts have been offered as tourist attractions, but there
are more to sell. Culture is not only traditional ceremonies and art, but also the
way of Indonesians celebrating their national day. The way Indonesians celebrate
the RA Kartini day and the Independence day can be made as other alternative of
tourist attraction, because there are many Interesting traditional activities held to
celebrate these national days. The activities include carnival, at which the
participants wear traditions! costumes, traditional competitions, bazaar, etc. Ones
of the efforts to the annual celebration as a tourist attraction ate holding "
Pameran Butiaya dan Pcranan Wanifa" (Exhibition on Culture and Woman's role
In Indonesia) in .RA Kartini day, and : Pameran Budaya'" (Culture Exhibition) in
Independence day. For these exhibitions, cooperation among DIPARDA Jatim,
companies, and tourism organizations are needed to organize and promote this program.

  • (91396015) YENY IRAWATI
  • (91396092) SILVIA
  • Tio Sally Puspasari → Advisor 1
  • SIDNIWATI → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 1999
d3 – Diploma 3
Sub Category
Tugas Akhir
Tugas Akhir No. 348/Par/1999; Yeny Irawati (91396015), Silvia (91396092)

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