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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelErrors cannot be separated from the process of learning. Studying
learners? errors is significant since they function as a sign of learning. Therefore, the
writer interested to find out the types of errors. This thesis is the study of errors in
production of verb group produced by the students of Writing 1 of the English
Department at Petra Christian University. In this thesis, the writer only observes the
type of errors in the production of verb group made by students. The writer divides
the errors into errors in the production of verb group in the present tense and past
tense. The writer wants to know the types of errors and the frequency that occur. In
order to solve the problems in this thesis, the writer relies on some theories of second
language learning, errors analysis, and grammatical errors (especially about errors in
the production of verb group). The writer uses descriptive method in doing this thesis.
The subjects of this thesis are students of Writing 1 of the English Department at
Petra Christian University. The data is written data which is taken from midterm
assignment of Writing 1. The writer collects the data by copying the papers. Then the
writer identifies and analyzes the data by reading and classifying the data into the
types of error in the production of verb group. Finally, the writer finds that error in
the production of be + verb stem for verb stem (type A) is mostly used by the
students of writing I in the present tense. For past tense, most of the students make
error in the production of be + omitted before verb stem + -ed (type F). In addition,
the type of error that is mostly used by the students of "Writing I" of the English
Department in their midterm assignment is error in the production of be + verb stem
for verb stem (type A). Those errors are possibly caused by overgeneralization, false
concepts hypothesized and incomplete application of rule.