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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelBased on literary critic, Ernest Hemingway's The Old
Man And the Sea is a novel which has three distinctive
themes, those are Christian, Nature, and Code Hero. The
three themes are stated as equally dominant. From literary
point of view, the statement seems right because each
of those themes can become the themes of the novel.
However, whether they are equally dominant or not if they
are seen from linguistic point of view is still a question.
Here, the writer would like to find out whether the
themes of a novel can be analyzed linguistically and
whether the result of her research is the same as what
the literary critic says.
In doing the research, she uses just the linguistic
data which means she applies the theory of stylistics by
using lexical items as the data. Those data are analysed
further in order to find out the motifs and the numbers
of recurring motifs from where she comes up to the findings
and interpretation of the findings to reach the most
dominant theme of this novel.
After the writer has analysed the motifs and counted
up the total ocourance of motifs constituting each theme,
she gets the final result. It shows that the theme Nature
with the biggest number of motifs occurance is said as
the most dominant theme of this novel.