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Library's collection Library's IT development CancelEach language has its own system, which is different from the other; for example English has its own system, tenses, which make it different from Indonesian. Learning tenses may improve our knowledge about foreign language. In the rocess of learning foreign language, making error usually happens and it is like any other human learning, which involves trial and error. Errors indicate that the process of learning is actually in progress. This study limits the analysis of five tense forms namely, Simple Present, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Simple Past and Simple Future (Will) because they are viewed as the core system in English. The theory of Brown, Ellis and Corder are used in this study to refer error as the language system that the learner is using. The theory of error analysis by Ellis and Brown is also used as a main theory to do the analysis. Other theory used IS English tenses by Bing, Azar and Comrie The analysis is based on the theory of tenses, in which the writer describes and explains each tense in details. In the analysis, the writer finds that the students produced errors in each tense. She considers the students still have not mastered the five english tenses. In the finding, she found that the most frequent error that they produce is Present Perfect tense. As the conclusion, she found that the influence of their mother language impede the process of acquiring foreign language, in which the students are difficult to understand and to learn foreign language, which has different system as their mother language.