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Conversational opening on greetings expressed by English Department students in Petra Christian University to other students and lecturers

This study investigates ways of conversation opening on greeting of English
Department students to other students and lecturers. In order to categorize the
types of greetings, the writer uses Knapp and Vangelisti’s classification which
includes Verbal salutes, Direct references to the other person by name, Questions
of personal inquiry, Verbalization expressing a desire to continue a past
relationship, Compliments, References to here-and-now surroundings, References
to people or things, References to the other’s behavior, References to oneself,
Apologies, Unexpected or whimsical phrases designed to break the ice,
Immediate topic initiation which usually excludes any preliminary comments and
Single words or vocalizations that are essentially content-free. The subjects of
this study are 60 English Department Students of Petra Christian University. To
collect the data, the writer notes down the conversation between English
Department students to their friends and lecturers. From the analysis, the writer
finds that English Department students in Petra Christian University almost use
all the types of greetings classified by Knapp and Vangelisti to other friends and
lecturers, but there are differences in term of frequency of each type of greetings
used by students to other friends and lecturers. Moreover, there are five types of
greeting that are used by English Department students to the other students, but
not to their lecturer, which are verbalization expressing a desire to continue a past
relationship, compliment, references to here-and-now surroundings, references to
oneself and single words. And there are two types of greeting that are used by
English Department students to their lecturer, but not to the other students, which
are apologies and whimsical phrases designed to break the ice (unexpected,
humorous). In this case, the social status influences the choice of way of
conversation opening on greeting.

  • (11406041) SERAPHINA STEPHEN
  • Esther Kuntjara → Advisor 1
  • Samuel Gunawan → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2010
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 02011924/ING/2010; Seraphina Stephen (11406041)

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