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The speech styles used in "Selamat Datang Pagi" dialog program on "RCTI"

This study investigates the speech styles used in"Selamat Datang Pagi"
dialog program on "RCTI". The writer is interested to investigate the speech
styles because speech style is important to use to communicate with other people.
The writer applied Martin Joos? theory (1976) of speech styles, which are divided
into five categories: frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style and
intimate style as her main theory supported by Nababan (1991), Holmes (1995),
Abdul Chaer and Leony Agustina (1986), Kridalaksana (1984), and Tata Bahasa
Baku Indonesia (1992). In analysing the data, firstly, the writer recorded the
speakers? utterances to be transcribed. Secondly, she identified the utterances used
by male and female host based on the classification of speech styles whether
frozen, formal, consultative, casual or intimate style. Based on the characteristics
given by speech styles, the analysis where presented using tables, including the
frequency of the occurrence of each speech styles. Through the analysis, the
writer found that there are four speech styles produce by male and female host;
they are formal, consultative, casual and intimate style. Casual style occurs
mostly, followed by consultative, formal and the last intimate style. The findings
of this research shows that casual style is the most frequently uses in "Selamat
Datang Pagi" dialog program, which has family atmosphere. Using casual style
can make male and female host more comfortable to communicate, and using this
style can support male and female host?s situation become enjoyable so they can
easily tell their opinion to the guests.

  • (11499139) YANTY ENDRA
  • Josefa Juniarti Mardijono → Advisor 1
  • MEEDY NUGRAHA → Examination Committee 1
Universitas Kristen Petra; 2003
s1 – Undergraduate Thesis
Sub Category
Skripsi/Undergraduate Thesis
Undergraduate Thesis No. 1175/ING/2003; Leny Herlina (11498098)

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